Friday, January 25, 2013

Cezanne Reflection

I used acrylic paint  because I could paint better that oil painting, and NOT to make the same mistake I have made before. Oil painting is quite dangerous and troublesome for me, so I chose acrylic paint. I chose yellow color to represent a golden apple, however it was the first challenge of making color gold. And the result was unsatisfied. Most importantly, it was difficult to chose the color for background and leaves, because I couldn't decide the color of them. I wanted to try in many ways, but they did not overcome my expectation. Therefore, I chose blue and green, the basic colors for leaves, because I thought they would be the most comfortable and the easiest element. But when I finished painting leaves and background, they were too simple  as a work. After considering and considering, I thought it would become another picture if I use a lot of colors everywhere to make an effect like a storm. And it did. Rough and violent stormy brush touches show the path to audience and creates mysterious mood on the painting. I used union of warm and cool color on leaves, but they were not as successful as I expected at the beginning. And the most important thing in my head is the faded small apple. Because of this element, the warmth and coldness were not divided into two different picture. I think it is the connector of bright color and dark color of the painting. That's why I think it is the hidden screw of my painting. The motif of my painting is supposed to be the apple, but it can be  the background. I chose apple to be the motif and maximized its existence, but after I finished drawing, the background became emphasized, either. The stormy brush touches would make audience focus on itself. Therefore, I think there is two different motives in my painting. It is kind of strange.

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